
Home for course notes, syllabi, projects, and other miscellaneous non-research projects.

Written by Joseph M. Westenberg

Election Maps

Main home for my current project of using OpenElections and IPUMS GIS shapefiles to map out election results 2000-2020.

By Joseph M. Westenberg in redistricting project elections

February 8, 2022

Introduction to Data Science

(Spring 2021) These notes were designed to assist in lectures given at IU-Bloomington for graduate students in Economics. The goal of the lectures and notes are to give graduate students a very prelimenary introduction into coding/working with data in R. Lectures given Spring 2021.

By Joseph M. Westenberg in R book courses

July 14, 2021

Introduction to International Economics

(Spring 2020) This course provides a moderately in-depth look at some of the major topics in international economics. This course covers a brief discussion of the history of international trade and integration, main models in international trade: Ricardian model, Heckscher-Ohlin model, and New Trade theories. We will then use utilize the supply-and-demand model to consider effects of trade policy: tariffs, quotas, export subsidies, and non-tariff barriers. Lastly, we will touch on the macro side of international economics: introducing definitions and discussing exchange rates and their determination.

By Joseph M. Westenberg in syllabus courses

January 1, 2020